Email of the Day:
If my child is home schooled through 12th grade will there be an option for a diploma? At question 17 it says once they have taken and passed the GED, the student is deemed a high school graduate. Is that the same as a diploma?
Yes, you can graduate your under 18yo from homeschooling. One note: if you wish to take advantage of Running Start, your student needs to be a junior or senior, and not graduated to qualify. If you graduate your child early, they will no longer be eligible for Running Start, and many of state colleges will not let under 18yos attend as paying students, buy will only accept them through RS. My daughter graduated highschool and had 94 college quarter credits at 18, walking into her first year of uni as a freshman-junior. (She’s now a 19yo senior). The nice thing about taking Running Start as a homeschooler is that you can anything you’re otherwise qualified to take. I’ve seen kids get their ASL Interpreter Certification, trade certifications (welding, cosmetology, culinary, etc.), or pick up the gen. eds. they’ll need for their Bachelor’s degree.
–Jen Garrison Stuber, WHO Board Advocacy Chair