Email of the Day

Email of the Day:
I have been homeschooling my daughter (7) since kindergarten. I read on your site that part-time schooling is allowed with the public schools. I would love for my daughter to be able to take a class or two but who do I contact to arrange this or to find out more? I have always believed that public schools would be resistant to homeschoolers so any tips on how to look into this more would be helpful.

You are entitled, by law, to attend school and/or access ancillary services as a homeschooler in your resident school at the same level you would as a full time student.  You are responsible for any transportation outside the normal hours (could take the bus in, or the bus home, but will need a ride for the “off” times), so this generally works well if you’re really close (walking distance) to the school.
Just head to the school, and ask what paperwork they want to attend part time, and sign up.  Easy peasy.
1) Some school districts prefer to send homeschoolers to their ALE or PPP instead of their local school.  You may certainly take them up on this, but it is NOT your only choice.  You can go to your neighborhood school.
2) It’s harder to take a course or two in the younger grades.  This is because many classes are self-contained, and the teacher may not have the day scheduled out in blocks of time that are as regular as middle, junior, or high school.  If you can establish a close relationship with the teacher, this works waaaay better.
Let me know if you have further questions,
–Jen Garrison Stuber, WHO Board Advocacy Chair