Email of the Day:
Hi Jen, what do most people typically do for record keeping?
The law requires you to keep the annual test/ assessment scores, and, if you transfer to a public school, immunization records.
Beyond that, there’s quite a bit of variety from “everything” (which I feel probably borders on hoarding) to “nothing” (which might be excessively minimalist, if such an oxymoron exists).
I recommend keeping decent records as you head into highschool such that you can create a transcript at the end of your homeschooling. Bonus points for being on top of things enough that you record each year as it happens, and aren’t scrambling to create a highschool transcript right before college applications are due.
Some people, with their younger children, have a tub for each kidlet, and toss everything in through the year, then they sort through at the end of the year and keep the best things (best art, best essay, etc.).
The problem with procrastinating (ask me how I know) is that the scramble is not fun. Also: you’re in danger of completely forgetting things that were a huge part of your child(ren)’s education.
So, at least a few notes along the way is probably a good idea. I recreated a bunch of stuff going back through the yahoogroups archive of the local HS group I ran to put things together.
I hold myself as a cautionary tale, not for emulation.
Also: FB, where most groups are, is not nearly as good for searching archivally.
Let’s see what the collective wisdom is.
What kind of recording keeping do you do?