Email of the Day:
This may be a question for Jen-do public schools have to recognize homeschool transcripts for credit towards graduation? We ran into this with our oldest son and the charter school he started at his senior year would not accept the credits earned from the previous year homeschooling. We worked it out-he had to take some tests and pass them showing he acquired the information taught in those classes (core ones) but he didn’t get credit for any electives. I didn’t push it, and we worked it out and he graduated on time. But I’m curious-has anyone had that same issue going from homeschooling to public school, and were you able to “force” them to accept them? We aren’t facing this right now and don’t plan on it, but I’d still like to know. I know some parents would use their standardized tests as proof (maybe?) but I’m in Idaho so we don’t necessarily have those.
Here’s the law (in WA):
RCW 28A.200.020 (1)(b) Ensure that test scores or annual academic progress assessments and immunization records, together with any other records that are kept relating to the instructional and educational activities provided, are forwarded to any other public or private school to which the child transfers. At the time of a transfer to a public school, the superintendent of the local school district in which the child enrolls may require a standardized achievement test to be administered and shall have the authority to determine the appropriate grade and course level placement of the child after consultation with parents and review of the child’s records.
They have to sit down with you, they have to at least talk to you and review the records you have, they can give your kid a test if they want to, but they’re under no obligation to accept credits toward graduation. That’s WA.
In Idaho, “Completion of distance education coursework, while meeting the intent of state law, does not necessarily entitle a homeschooled student to a high school diploma from a local public school. Should a parent/guardian decide to enroll or re-enroll their child in a public school to pursue a high school diploma, credits earned from Northwest Accreditation Commission/Advanced Ed (NWAC), or another regional accrediting association, are accepted by NWAC-accredited Idaho high schools. However, school districts have local policies concerning how their schools might recognize credits earned through distance education. For example, a school might recognize only a designated number of credits towards a high school diploma but may show all credits on the transcript. Parents utilizing these distance education programs should check with their local public school districts, in advance if possible, if they intend to request recognition of credit towards a public high school diploma.”
“It is the responsibility of the school (or district) to place transferred students in an appropriate grade. The Idaho State Department of Education does not dictate policy to school districts regarding the placement of students. Examples of what a district may use for determining placement include testing, review of homeschool coursework and/or records, or provisional placement in an age-level grade.”
So in both cases: no — they don’t have to take it.
~Jen GS