WHO Membership
Unlock all the benefits by joining our team. Your annual membership of $10 allows you to take advantage of tons of savings on all WHO sponsored events. On top of all the money you’ll be saving – you get a chance to fund homeschooling in Washington State.
Services and Resources for ALL Homeschoolers
- The WHO web site, washhomeschool.org, featuring information about homeschooling in Washington State and WHO related events
- Assistance, information and resource material for parents who are considering homeschooling
- Networking resources for parents for homeschool qualifying courses, support groups, testing services, extension schools, curriculum, etc.
- Information concerning the homeschool law
- Updates on current Washington State legislation relating to homeschooling
- Assistance in establishing communication with local school officials
- Assistance in establishing local support groups
WHO Sponsored Events
- The WHO High School Graduation Ceremony
- Emmett Comer Scholarship
- HSA Scholarship
- Capitol Connections Day
- Other Events Throughout the Year
Benefits of Membership
WHO is a 501c3 organization and therefore your membership dues and donations are tax deductible.(Benefits that are offered do not constitute an endorsement by WHO)
- The knowledge that you are supporting homeschooling in Washington State
- Discounted registration for the graduation ceremony if graduating
- Emmett Comer Scholarship – Members Only
- HSA Scholarship – Members Only
- Opportunities to register first for events such as Capitol Connections, and others
- Contests & Events designed for members only
- Voting privileges for board elections
- HSLDA Discount. To access this discount, WHO members need to include the WHO Group Discount Number on their HSLDA application. Send an email to HSLDA Group Discount Number in order to get the group code. This group code should be entered on the bottom of the second page of the application under the “Payment Information” heading. New families who are current HSLDA members will receive the discounted rate when they renew their HSLDA membership