WHO is a volunteer organization. What we are able to accomplish is due to the talents and efforts of volunteers. Conversely, what we don’t have volunteers for, doesn’t happen. Below are some volunteer positions. If one of them is a good fit for your interests and talents, please contact WHO.
WHO Board Position
The Washington Homeschool Organization board is a working board. Board membership is a challenging and rewarding experience. Our bylaws mandate a board of six to ten members. Board members need to agree with and support the purpose of the organization, and be willing to educate themselves on the issues facing homeschoolers. Experience at the local support group level is helpful. If you are interested in joining our board – please click on the button below.
Apply Now!Answering Homeschool Questions
By phone or by email:
Having a good understanding of the homeschool law is a necessary element for being on our email and phone answering team. Feel free to sign up for this very important position and when we have an opening, we will contact you.
*Must be a WHO Member
Volunteer TodayAdvocacy From Home
Often WHO needs individuals to make follow-up calls to State Representatives and Senators alerting them to the fact that they are receiving an important letter that they need to pay attention to! These calls usually involve talking to an aid to the legislator. Volunteers would be furnished with the content of the letter being sent, an outline of the issues involved, a basic script about what needs to be communicated, and contact phone numbers and emails for further questions or comments from the legislator. If you are interested in an advocacy job that can be done from home, this is it! Email WHO Advocacy by Phone.
*Must be a WHO Member
Volunteer TodayWHO Capitol Connections in Olympia
We schedule tours a couple of times a year and need volunteers to greet our homeschool families and help the Capitol docent as needed. You can bring your family with you and take the tour while volunteering.
Volunteer TodayHomeschool Graduation
There are many moving parts to organizing and executing our annual graduation. Most of the volunteering happens on the day of the graduation. Helping with labeling chairs, serving cake, organizing the graduates and parents, greeting attendees, decorating and much more. Let us know how you might be able to help!
Volunteer TodayVolunteering to help with other WHO Activities
Being willing to be called on when we have additional WHO Activities throughout the year as needed.
Volunteer TodayHave Ideas?
Do you have other talents or ideas that are not mentioned here that could be helpful for the organization. Feel free to let us know.
Volunteer Today