Get Started
Homeschooling 101
Just starting with homeschooling and need some help? Here’s some links that will get you started:

Tips & Tricks
Resources to assist you in your Homeschooling journey. Information on everything from helpful seminars to college scholarships.

What do we do?
The Washington Homeschool Organization is committed to making sure that parents interested in homeschooling get accurate and up-to-date information on the homeschooling law, local support, resources, and services. WHO’s goals include creating networks of homeschooling parents and creating avenues in which they can connect with their community, have access to resources and supporting. We are passionate about helping to create the most successful homeschooling experience possible.
Learn More Become a MemberWho’s WHO?
The Washington Homeschool Organization (WHO) is a statewide, non-profit membership organization. Its mission is to serve the diverse interests of home-based instruction (the legal name for homeschooling) in Washington State. WHO is nonpartisan, nonsectarian, and non-discriminating in its views of homeschooling and participation in its activities.
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