Date Saturday, May 31, 2025

Parent Qualifying Course



$90.00 Single

$120.00 Couple Living in Same Household

Event Details

12:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Online Webinar

About the Course

It is WHO’s position that being signed up for a Parent Qualifying Course is sufficient for removing your kids and beginning homeschooling. It’s our position that you don’t have to wait.

This course fulfills RCW 28A.225.010(4)(b). It need be taken only once, and is good “for life” in WA state. We will cover everything you need to know to fulfill your obligations under the HBI (homeschool) law. Note that this course is only 4 hours in length — if you are looking for a course that will tell you how and what to use to homeschool, you’ll want a longer course, and may want to explore the other offerings in our state:

It is my belief that it would be great hubris on my part to tell you how to homeschool and what will work for you and yours. Even between your children, you will likely find quite a variety with something that works great for one being a poor fit for another. I don’t know you and your family well enough to tell you what to use, but we will discuss how to make those decisions.

This course has been described to me as me “pointing a fire hose of information directly into your face for 4 hours,” but I am told that it’s also empowering, encouraging, and at least somewhat entertaining. (The latter often expressed as, “not as boring/terrible as I thought it was going to be” . . . um, thanks?) Suffice to say, I do try to keep it as lively and engaging as I can — if I cannot keep you awake, that’s really on me (or you had a REALLY hard night)

What will I know at the end of the course?

Upon Completion of this course, the parent(s) will be able to: Understand the HBI law, find support for homeschooling, and be able to negotiate the educational system in Washington State to help their children reach their educational goals. This course satisfies RCW 28A.225.010(4)(b).

Do I Need this Course?

There are four ways to qualify to homeschool in WA:

  • 45 college quarter credits
  • or Parent Qualifying Course
  • or Hire a Certificated Teacher to oversee the homeschooling
  • or Superintendent Approval.

If you already qualify in one of the other ways, you do not need to take the Parent Qualifying Course.

Good for a lifetime: you need only take the course once.

General Information:


After you register, you will receive an email from Washington Homeschool Org with the subject line Thank you for registering for Parent Qualifying Course. This email will come immediately, but may end up in your spam folder, or if you are a Gmail user, it could end up in your Promotional tab. Please check your spam or promotional folder and white list the email address.

*Should you have your phone set to “Dark Mode” and on some iPhones: this email may appear blank, because of your settings. Please leave Dark Mode and/or view via your computer, or forward the email to yourself.
(When you write us to tell us it’s blank, it shows us the email fully with all the information you need. It’s there — it’s just your interface that is the issue in viewing it).

Registering for GoToWebinar:

Your confirmation email will contain a link to the course. This requires a second registration, this time for the GoToWebinar. Please make sure to log on about 15-20 minutes before class. If you do this registration now, it will take you to a blank page. On the day of class, immediately prior to our start time, it will take you to a waiting room.

Course Materials:

A second email (from Washington Homeschool Org, subject title Update on Parent Qualifying Course) will come on week before the course and again immediately before class. This email will give you the log on information again, and will contain a link to the .pdf files that contain the course handbook and information. The course handbook will fit neatly into a 1/2″ 3-ring binder, printed single-sided. Please be prepared to view the handbook as well as the course together.


The course is best viewed from a computer. If you are a couple, you can view together with a single log-in. You do not need a working camera or microphone, as we do not use those for the interface.


We regret that we are unable to issue refunds for this course. We will do our best to transfer you to another course should you end up with a scheduling conflict. Please write to to transfer your registration to the next course.

About the Instructor

Jen Garrison Stuber

Jen is the Advocacy Chair on the WHO Board and local Spokane resident. She’s still active in the homeschool community, providing counsel and support to homeschooling families locally and across the state.

Course Registration

To register for this course, please fill out the form below. If you attending the course as a couple make sure you include the name(s) of each person attending the course. Couple registration is meant to be for two parents of the same children. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

PLEASE NOTE:  Our confirmation emails may end up in your spam folder, so be sure to check that if you haven’t seen anything from us.

Parent Qualifying Course

Registration Form

Couple Registration

If you've chosen "Couple Registration" you need to enter the name and email for the second parent. This is important because each parent receives a separate certificate and the email will be used for their login.

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