Part-Time Enrollment
Part-Time Enrollment is Guaranteed for Homeschoolers.
Our state law and your tax dollars guarantee part-time enrollment privileges for your homeschooled student in public school. This includes part-time enrollment in Public School Alternative Learning Experience Programs. When you participate in public schools on a part-time basis, you retain your Home-Based Instruction status.
You might ask, why would a homeschooler want to participate in public schools part-time? Participating part-time means that you may take advantage of the resources and classes offered by your district and still be in total control of your child’s education. You, not the teacher, would set your educational goals and decide when, where and what assessments would be given. You, not the district, would keep your child’s educational records.
How can you take advantage of the part-time enrollment option? RCW 28A.150.350 Part-Time Students — Defined — Enrollment Authorized, section (2) is the law that guarantees part-time enrollment for privately schooled and homeschooled students.
The WACs (Washington Administrative Codes), or rules, that administers the Part-Time Student law are in Chapter WAC 392-134 Finance — Apportionment for Part-Time Public School Attendance. It details how part-time enrollment is administered. Of interest to homeschoolers are three WACs in that chapter:
WAC 392-134-010 Attendance Rights of Part-Time Public School
WAC 392-134-020 Provision of Educational Program to Part-time Public School Students — Reports — Sites
WAC 392-134-030 Compliance With Rules as a Condition of State Funding
The Attendance Rights WAC states very clearly that part-time enrollment must be allowed. The Provision of Educational Program WAC states that courses must be provided to part-time students at the same level and quality as for full-time students. And the Compliance With Rules WAC talks about the financial penalties the district must bear if they do not allow part-time enrollment.