AP Testing and Ancillary Services

Email of the Day:
Having completed the AP coursework as homeschoolers, my student is not looking to sit the AP exams, but our local school has turned us away, saying they don’t all “outside” students in. Aren’t we part of the school district? Can they do this?


Short answer: yes (you are part of the district) and no (they can’t turn you away).

WA law (RCW 28A.150.350) provides for homeschoolers and private schoolers to attend their local school on a part time basis and/or to access ancillary services at in their local school district.
WAC 392-134-005 defines these terms:
(1) “Ancillary service” shall mean any cocurricular service or activity, any health care service or activity, and any other services or activities, except “courses,” for or in which preschool through twelfth grade students are enrolled by a public school. The term shall include, but not be limited to, counseling, psychological services, testing, remedial instruction, speech and hearing therapy, health care services, tutorial services such as home or hospital instruction for the physically disabled, and sports activities;
(2) “Course” shall mean any instructional curricular service or activity in which preschool through twelfth grade students are enrolled by a public school;

WAC 392-134-020 provides for equal treatment: (1) Courses, ancillary services, and any combination of courses and ancillary services shall be provided to part-time public school students at the same level and quality as provided by the public school to full-time students;

And WAC 392-134-030 conditions school funding on compliance with the law.

I spoke with Barbara Dietrich at the OSPI (360.725.6097) who agrees that the AP Exams are covered under the ancillary services in the law, and should be provided to homeschoolers in district at the same level and quality as provided to the full time students, per the law.

If you (or others) would like me to contact the district on your/their behalf, I’m happy to, but I think, armed with the law, you can make the case as strongly as I.

Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
–Jen Garrison Stuber, WHO Board Advocacy Chair