Washington State Test Providers
The following groups/individuals have notified WHO that they offer standardized achievement tests and/or assessments.
Inclusion in this list does not represent an endorsement by WHO, nor does it guarantee that the services offered by the following individuals meet the requirements of the law.
What the Law Requires
RCW28A.200.010 (3) states:
(3) Ensure that a standardized achievement test approved by the state board of education is administered annually to the child by a qualified individual or that an annual assessment of the student’s academic progress is written by a certificated person who is currently working in the field of education. The state board of education shall not require these children to meet the student learning goals, master the essential academic learning requirements, to take the assessments, or to obtain a certificate of mastery pursuant to *RCW 28A.630.885 . The standardized test administered or the annual academic progress assessment written shall be made a part of the child’s permanent records. If, as a result of the annual test or assessment, it is determined that the child is not making reasonable progress consistent with his or her age or stage of development, the parent shall make a good faith effort to remedy any deficiency.
Many support groups arrange group testing or maintain their own list of local test providers.
Tests approved by the state board of education. The SBE doesn’t want to field 10,000 homeschool family’s questions about testing, so they ruled that if Buros (https://marketplace.unl.edu/buros/) has reviewed it, it’s a-okay with them. There are (pretty literally) no tests you can purchase as a parent that haven’t been reviewed by Buros. (There’s really only about a half dozen standardized achievement tests out there available to homeschool parents anyway).
Major Standardized Testing Dates:
Here is a centralized listing of available major standardized testing dates which are only given on certain dates throughout the year. http://www.testdatescentral.com/
Testing Service Providers:
To be included, or to update any changes to course information, please email WHO. Thank you.
Scroll/swipe to the right
Name & Contact Info | Testing Info | Location | |
Sandra Barton 253-931-8286 |
Standardized $50-$65/student I offer the CAT 5 which includes 10 sections and normally takes 2 full mornings to complete.
Auburn/Federal Way area |
Heather Cates Email – hrcmrscates@gmail.com
Phone – 360-773-3806
Standarized TerrraNova 3 $55 – $60 per student – includes Standard scoring. |
Vancouver WA |
Trisha Christian trishach@gmail.com WA Certificate #543316D |
Assessments $25 per student I offer either a Checklist style assessment or a Fill in style assessment. |
Various counties across the state. |
Maggie Dail 253-581-1588 WA Certificate |
Assessment $70 individual $60 each for 2 or more in family General Information, Reading, Math, Spelling – learning screening, consultation with parents following |
via Zoom |
Susan Gray, M.Ed M.A. Email: susan@growingtowardliberation.com Web: https://www.growingtowardliberation.com WA Certificate |
Assessment/Evaluation Only Standard rate $150/student (sliding scale available and discount for multi-student families) |
Statewide (via Zoom) |
Family Learning Organization homeschool@familylearning.org Cindy Baker-Wood WA Certificate |
Standardized TerraNova 2nd Edition (CAT/6) Grades K-12 $35 (K) – $43 (1-12), TerraNova 1st Edition CTBS Grades 1-12 $35.00, CAT/5 Complete Battery Grades K-12 $40.00, CAT/5 Survey Grades 2-12 $40.00 Assessments |
Spokane, WA |
Terri Finch |
Standardized Woodcock Johnson Achievement Test The cost is $95, and it takes 45-90 minutes to administer. The Woodcock Johnson Achievement Test is a nationally normed, untimed, non-bracketed test that is administered one-on-one. The test includes Reading, Math, Spelling, Science, Social Studies, and Humanities. |
I do testing via Zoom. Please visit my website or contact me for more information. |
Linda Gorordo |
Standardized IOWA Assessments
Various in Western Washington |
Andressa Grosso WA Certificate 319061H |
Assessment K-3: $110 I provide an in person, one-on-one assessment of your child grade K-12. I will establish instructional levels for spelling, reading & math. My report may also include an evaluation of student work and additional observations or suggested resources based upon a pre-assessment survey that is completed by the parents. |
Location: Renton Serving King County from Bellevue to Auburn |
Kristin Lehman Hewitt Research Foundation |
Standardized PASS Test $42 for individuals, Discounts available for multiple tests purchased at the same time |
Offices in Spokane, WA – but work with students across the nation |
Diana McAlister 425-346-9423 dianamca@familyacademy.org WA Certificate #205837H |
Standardized Assessment Academic placement, Learning Styles analysis, Curriculum suggestions (use these,avoidthese) |
At your site |
Dave Nelmark, MS 360-560-0917 |
Standardized Comprehensive Test of Basic Skill (CTBS) Survey Plus, CAT Survey-Plus Wechsler Individual Achievement Test- Third Edition (WIAT-III) – $100
1 City View Blvd., Longview, Wa. 98633 |
Carrie Patterson salmoncrlc@juno.com |
Standardized $30 per student for testing, additional $15 for teacher scoring Assessment
Vancouver, WA |
Scooter Perlwitz
WA Certificate
Assessment $35 per hour. Most family assessments take approximately 2 hours depending on the number of children Assessments can be done virtually or in person. I review representative samples of each subject from the beginning, middle and end of the year looking for progress appropriate to each child I ask the parent(s) to share their thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses of the teaching materials and methods they use. I may provide suggestions for changes to help them deal with their perceived weak areas. I spend a bit of time chatting with each child asking them to share something they are excited about (not necessarily school related). I provide a letter that fulfills the Washington State Requirement.
Port Angeles, WA
Alicia Porter yourpartner@homeschoolsuccesspartners.com 253-359-8922 WA Certificate |
Standardized SBA, CAT, State Standardized Test Alternatives Varies Assessments $45-$55 State standards aligned formatted questions, prompts, and open responses. Certified teacher scoring including commentary and teaching guidance and reflective feedback. |
Puyallup, WA |
Seton Testing Services |
Standardized IOWA E online and paper, Stanford 10 online, CAT E Survey, CAT 6 Terranova $37-47 |
Front Royal, VA |
Minette Stewart 206-650-1601 |
Standardized TWF-3, ITPA-3, PAL-II, KTEA-3, TOC, CTOPP-2, GORT-5, TOWRE-2, BRIEF, CELF-5, CELF-5 Metalinguistics, TOPS, TVPS, WRAML-2, TAPS, Linguisystems Articulation Test, SSI-4 Assessment
Ballard, Seattle, WA Seattle Speech & Language Therapy Services, LLC |
Alice, Wescott, PhD EduGreat alice@edugreat.com 425-697-4021 several people do the assessments so there are several certificates |
Standardized TerraNova3 $47 but there are early registration discounts Assessments $125 for 1 child; $200 for 2 children We test Reading, Language, and Math and allow time to discuss the results and answer any homeschooling questions the parent has.
Bothell We offer testing at multiple locations around the state. Plus, if you have a group of 40 or more, we will come to you. |