If you’re here, you probably already know that WHO is the state-wide organization for homeschooling in WA. You’ve probably wandered through our website, looking at the law http://washhomeschool.org/homeschooling/the-law/
or for a support group http://washhomeschool.org/homeschool…/support-groups-co-ops/ or trying to figure out how to write a transcript http://washhomeschool.org/homes…/video-audio-teaching-tools/ or looking forward to convention http://washhomeschool.org/convention/ or getting a dose of sanity and encouragement from the blog http://washhomeschool.org/blog/ .
You might have come to find the answer to a homeschooling question and wrote or called us directly: http://washhomeschool.org/contact-us/
What you might not already know is that WHO is an all-volunteer organization — that each of the board members, including yours truly, does this out of love and commitment to the homeschooling community at large. When you write us here (14 minute response time with 100% response rate, FB informs me in the analytics!), or by email, we don’t ask if you’re a member before we answer. We just answer your questions. And we share those questions and answers here and on the blog, so many many more homeschoolers can benefit from them.
As of this very moment, there are 4,792 of you on the Facebook, but fewer than 1,000 of you are WHO members.
Please consider joining WHO.
For just $40/year (for your whole family!), you can support WHO’s mission to serve the diverse interests of home-based education in Washington State (more on our mission here: http://washhomeschool.org/about-who/
Your $40 helps WHO stay abreast of legislation that’s coming down the pike that might impact homeschoolers, it keeps our website up and running, it allows us to do outreach to homeschoolers, and to advocate for you and your children.
It allows us to put on Intro to Homeschooling nights (stay tuned for our first state-wide Intro to Homeschooling, 18 February 2016!), to travel to testify in Olympia, to bring you interesting speakers and workshops and seminars to Convention. but we need your support to do these things.
If you’ve been helped by WHO, or encouraged by posts on this page, please consider joining as a WHO member.
~Jen Garrison Stuber, WHO Board Advocacy Chair
Read this sentence in the voice of your favourite NPR host:
Forty dollars a year — that’s just 10.9 cents a day for the support (and entertainment) you get from WHO.
(And yes, I really do sound just like Ira Glass/ Terry Gross).