For the apple of your eye.

Homeschooling is an exciting educational journey that will benefit your children and build strong family bonds.

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Communicating with WHO members and homeschoolers throughout the state on issues of importance has always been a major objective of the organization. Sign-up for our newsletter so you never miss out.

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Get Started

Homeschooling 101

Just starting with homeschooling and need some help? Here’s some links that will get you started:


Tips & Tricks

Resources to assist you in your Homeschooling journey. Information on everything from helpful seminars to college scholarships.


What do we do?

The Washington Homeschool Organization is committed to making sure that parents interested in homeschooling get accurate and up-to-date information on the homeschooling law, local support, resources, and services. WHO’s goals include creating networks of homeschooling parents and creating avenues in which they can connect with their community, have access to resources and supporting. We are passionate about helping to create the most successful homeschooling experience possible.

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Who’s WHO?

The Washington Homeschool Organization (WHO) is a statewide, non-profit membership organization. Its mission is to serve the diverse interests of home-based instruction (the legal name for homeschooling) in Washington State. WHO is nonpartisan, nonsectarian, and non-discriminating in its views of homeschooling and participation in its activities.

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Stories of Homeschool Parents

The Leonard Family

We chose to homeschool because I was homeschooled as a child and wanted the same for my family. I am glad I did because we had so much time together as a family and my children had time to pursue their own interests. We spent their childhood years together, and I have never regretted it.


Stories of Homeschool Parents

The Kindle Family

Why Homeschool? Because it really is, as the poet says, about the journey. By focusing on relationships first, we were able to find the fun in the fundamentals. By tailoring teaching to the child, we could focus on mastery instead of teaching to the test. By encouraging curiosity and creativity, we all learned to love learning.

Though the nuts and bolts of the learning process have become blurred into the background, the first thing all of my now-grown boys mention as top in their memories of our homeschooling years is trips … and then projects.


Stories of Homeschool Parents

Jen Garrison Stuber

We started homeschooling when it became apparent that our kidlet’s abilities (ahead in some, behind in others) were diverging in ways that were negatively impacting her school experience. We continued to homeschool the second year after a neuropsychologist’s tests discovered she had ADHD, dyslexia, and a clinically significant difference between the hemispheres of her brain (recommendation: place her in special ed).

We decided then to continue to homeschool, mitigating her weaknesses and playing to her strengths. We assumed she would probably launch late. We thought she might never go to college. At 16, she decided to attend college full time, spent the next 2 years on the president’s honor roll, and headed off to university as an 18yo college junior. At 21, she was the youngest person admitted to her graduate program in video game production (pictured with her capstone game), which she has since finished.

We know that our decision to allow her to grow and learn in her own way in her own time was paramount to her success, and I see it all the time in other homeschool families.

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