This morning, in my local group, a [self-proclaimed] lonely introverted mom wrote this:
Socialization: we talk about it a lot for the kiddos. But is anyone else struggling to socialize as a “grown up”? We are first year homeschoolers and I’m amazed at how much I miss adult conversation that’s not my husband or mom. If you are or have struggled what are some suggestions you have? I need more than “go to church” TIA
The conversation went a lot of different directions, but resulted in a proposed park date tomorrow, billed as “Introverted Homeschool Moms Looking for Homeschool Bestie Meetup” . . . if half the people who “liked” the post show up, we’re going to have a huge crowd. (But have no fear — we’re doing it at noon with “bring lunch” as part of it, so if you don’t want to talk, you can quick shove food in your mouth, and the extroverts get their own table).
I’ll post a pic tomorrow, if I manage to remember to take one.
But my point here is this: sometimes (most times), the thing you want to have is something that’s there for the asking — and a bunch of other people are waiting for you to propose it.
Do it. Even if you’re an introvert.
Do it. Even if you’re scared.
Just do it.
Oh — and the mom who said she really wanted to go, but can’t make it tomorrow? She’s in charge of deciding when and where the next one is.
Do it.
It’s worth it.
~Jen GS