Do you need to transcript in a ‘four year’ pattern?

Email of the Day:
I am curious about transcripts for high school. Do you need to transcript in a ‘four year’ pattern? Can you date subjects differently (pull from past courses) or prolong it? I keep hearing mixed things on transcripting and see different things happening from fellow HS friends. I would really like to learn more about the actual time frame, if any, that it should fall in. I went through notes from a workshop and failed to record that portion of the rule of thumb. And, yes — I realize the proof is in the knowledge of material and testing when it is really all boiled down. But, is there a rule to this? Thanks!!!

It’s up to you.
We included things on our transcript that did not happen between the ages of 14 and 18, but were definitively highschool or higher in complexity and work. Our public highschools in WA do this, specifically with WA State (or PNW) history, which is offered in junior high, but is a high school graduation requirement.
The law does not address this at all.
One last thought.
You want your transcript to do two things:
1) To show, in a page or two, what your kidlet did homeschooling in highschool.
2) Be written to allow your kid to do the next thing *he want to do (go to college, get a job, etc.).

~Jen GS