Violet Adams – 2024 Homeschool Support Association Scholarship Winner

My Community Service Experiences
I stepped out of the bus, and a wave of hot, humid air hit me. A moment later I was handed several heavy bags of food. I hoisted them over my shoulders and set off with the group. We started down a hill of steep, uneven stairs. Poverty-stricken makeshift homes were on either side of the steps. We stopped at each little home, gave the residents bags of food, and prayed for them. Although it was miserable in the heat, it was amazing and humbling to witness how thankful each of the families were to receive the food

In the summer of 2023, I ventured on a youth servant trip to Costa Rica with my church. My travel companions and I served the impoverished families there by packing and distributing bags of food, and running a vacation Bible school for the local children. This trip was a very impactful experience with my peers that I will never forget. Besides this international community service project that I participated in last summer, I have also served my local community in various ways.

For the past year, I have volunteered at a pregnancy resource center, Trillium Women’s
Center. I go in once weekly for two hours to sort and display donations of baby clothes in the boutique. I do other odd jobs too, such as recycling cardboard boxes, vacuuming, and cleaning and going through other equipment, such as strollers, toys, and diaper changing supplies. I love making a difference in the lives of mothers and babies. Additionally, this community service is providing me with invaluable experience for my future career as a nurse-midwife.

As an active 4-H member, I have participated in 4-H community service projects with my club, Majestic Monarchs. A few years back I participated in FARM Days, a community event hosted at our local fairgrounds where volunteers bring animals for children with disabilities to interact with. My family and I brought some of our rabbits and two miniature donkeys to the
event. Both were a huge hit with the kids. Another event my club put on is called Bunnies in Baskets. We transported our rabbits to a nearby nursing home to visit with the elderly patrons. The rabbits were a great ice breaker and opened up some wonderful conversations. Additionally, in my 4-H club, I took on planning and leading activities for the youngest members of our club, the Cloverbuds (ages five through seven). I love working with children and it was rewarding for me to create projects and lesson plans that helped keep the kids busy while the older members worked on their projects.

To conclude, I have participated in several community service events. Among these are a service trip to Costa Rica with the youth from my church, volunteering at a pregnancy resource center, and participating in 4-H events. I have learned a great deal from these experiences, and I plan to continue to serve my neighbors well into the future